We create customized individual software for the highest demands in industrial production environments.
Whether with PI System or SSRS, we make your data talk – so that the basis of your business decisions is always reliable.
Highly qualified employees support your project around industrial IT and OT. From PCS 7 to Crystal Reports, we are your partner.
Sometimes an idea becomes a project and hence a product –
like LogOnPlus – the turbo for login/logout and control signatures in production applications.
The Hub in the Pharmaceutical Industry
MES / PLS Data Integration Layer
In the course of many years, we have established ourselves a name industry-wide with our expertise and solutions for MES/PLS data interfaces and integration.
Our adapter toolbox consists of generic communication services for a stable, reliable and fail-safe implementation of data exchange between MES and PLS/DCS systems in compliance with ALCOA guidelines.
Thus, our adapter toolbox is the modular basis and the “integration layer” for Industry 4.0 communication services.
OPC UA, REST, WCF, MSI, databases, proprietary APIs
Process Control Technology (PLS/DCS)
Honeywell Experion PKS, Siemens PCS 7, Emerson DeltaV, GE Proficy.
Werum (Körber Pharma Software) PAS-X, Felten Pilot
Services & Know-How
Qualification & validation support, GAMPS
Some projects successfully accomplished
A selection of our capabilities

MES / PLS Interface
Client: Biopharma
Technologies & Products: C#, SQL, SSRS, OPC
We designed and created the required applications, services and databases, which together represent the crucial interface between the Honeywell Experion DCS used by the customer and the Körber PAS-X MES. The interface thus forms the link between MBR, batch operation in the DCS and seamless documentation for the EBR in the MES. Without this integration layer “nothing works”.

PAS-X MSI historian data transfer
Client: Biopharma
Technologies & Products: PAS-X MSI, REST API, ODBC
As a certified Körber Ecosystem Partner, we developed an application for data transfer between PAS-X and a Historian system via ODBC using the manufacturer-open MSI interface to PAS-X. This application can be used to query individual values or aggregated values from the past in the Historian system from the MES.

SSRS Reporting from OSIsoft PI Data
Client: Pharma
Technologies & Products: PI System, SSRS
Generation of a larger number of validated (GAMP-5) batch reports according to customer specifications based on production rates continuously recorded via the PI system. The reports are generated via SQL Server Reporting Service. The underlying PI system itself was also set up by us and is permanently maintained, optimized and extended by various interfaces.

Test Bench Automation
Client: Pharma
Technologies and Products: NI LabView, Beckhoff EtherCAT, ADCO digital controller, C++
A laboratory test stand for a dry powder inhaler was automated with LabView and Beckhoff EtherCAT. The customer now can freely specify the test sequences and parameters in a user-friendly manner and thus perform even complex and long test cycles fully automated. Accumulated measured values are recorded and made available for test result evaluation.

PCS7 Project Support
Client: Chemistry
Technologies & Products: Siemens PCS 7
Ongoing support of multiple productive plants in all aspects of automation using PSC7 Batch. We support our customers in the areas of DCS detailed planning, automation concept, PCS7 Batch, fail-safe, DCS configuration and process visualization.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
Technologies & Products: MS Azure, Kubernetes, Docker, Power BI, Power Apps
Architecture Design, Development and Operation of Industry 4.0 solutions.
Certified (e.g. MS certified Azure Administrator Associate) employees provide support with the transformation of your IT & OT and prepare it to get fit for the future.
The Turbo for Login Processes and Control Signatures:
… is the name for our standard software, which greatly accelerates personalized logon and logout processes at applications in production, such as MES, PLS, SCDA etc. Thanks to LogOnPLus, the number of manual entries for login and control signatures is drastically reduced. Countless operators appreciate this already every day.
Smart ID Methods
LogOnPlus (easily) recognizes operators e.g. via the existing RFID plant (factory) ID or biometric features (Fingerprint RFID or iris scan).
Time Saving and Convenience
… by passwordless logon (SLS), idle logout, Master / Slave groups, automatic logout when leaving the station and much more.
Flexible and Modular
LogOnPlus uses your existing Active Directory as user database and already supports many target applications and (RF) ID devices.
More about LogOnPlus
www.logonplus.comWe create valuable software and services you can rely on.
These tools help us
C#, C++, VB,
MS SQL Server (T-SQL),
MS SQL Server Reporting
Services (SSRS)
OPC Classic & UA
Products und Cloud Services
OSISoft (AVEVA) PI System
Simatic PCS 7 (Batch), Honeywell Experion EPKS,
MS Azure
Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka
Branches and Expert Knowledge
Batch Processes according to ISA-88
Computer System and Software Validation
Data Inegrity
Universal industrial data hub
vNode –
The Swiss army knife for data transfer of any kind.
vNode from Vester Business is an IoT gateway and a genuine all-inclusive solution for countless use cases relating to data transfer across all levels. A wide variety of interfaces are supported at production level and the data can be transferred securely, reliably and without loss to a wide variety of data sinks, regardless of the platform.
As official vNode Integrator Partner, obion provides support in selecting, setting up and operating the vNode components. Please contact us for more information.
What’s an obion, after all?!?
Company obion will follow into the footsteps of the engineering company i.p.a.s.-systeme and will continue all business activities formerly established by i.p.a.s.-systeme.
In the many years of its existance from 1995 until 2023 under the guidance of its owner Bernhard Wurm, i.p.a.s.-systeme has become a well-renowned name within the field of software development, generating among its clients such associations as “reliable”, “safe” and “stable”. The development of our software has always been based on our highest claim to be perfect in application and absolutely reliable in operation – something you really can count on.
Like i.p.a.s.-systeme in its time, obion is just a made-up word, a synonym for an enterprise, just a name. However, behind a name there are always individual human beings – and in our case – a whole team enjoying to be part of it, and thus, being successful in its ambitions and achievements. Our team likewise in i.p.a.s.-times presently feels well-associated with our customers, highly motivated and result-oriented – over quite a long (-lasting) period of time.
It is these long-term and stable connections that we always have been striving for – within our team, with our partners and with our customers.
Get familiar with some of the faces behind obion. (Here we show some of the faces behind obion.)

Get in touch with us.

Sebastian Räuber
OT Software Development
Tel. +49 6171 2768 – 113

Farshid Hayeri
Business Software Development
Tel. +49 6171 2768 –112

Oliver Krieger
Data Historian
Tel. +49 6171 2768 – 114

Thomas Häuser
Tel. +49 6171 2768 – 116
Where we are at
obion GmbH
Nassauer Str. 60, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
(+49) 06171 / 2768 – 0
By Public Transport: From Frankfurt via S5 or U3 to Oberursel Main Station, from there 10 minutes by foot.
By Car: We provide visitor parking in our underground garage (please inform us in advance for reservation). Please let us know your requirements ahead of your visit. You will find your way to our underground garage via our navigation address as follows: “An den Drei Hasen 2B, 61440 Oberursel”.